Essential Cybersecurity Protections for the 2022-23 School Year

Thursday, October 6 at 1 pm ET

Register to view a recording of this complimentary webinar. A copy of the slide deck can be downloaded here.

Join a panel of K-12 security and IT practitioners for a free afternoon of virtual professional development focused on the challenges and opportunities in shoring up K-12 cybersecurity risk management during the 2022-23 school year.

Cybersecurity risk management can be described as a ‘wicked’ problem—i.e., one that defies easy solutions and quick fixes, in part because cybersecurity risks are constantly evolving. For K-12 organizations, the cybersecurity challenge is compounded by limited resources and staffing, a lack of compliance mandates, and loosely coordinated, complex IT operations.

This webinar will focus on the cybersecurity trends top of mind for school leaders as the 2022-23 school year kicks off, their priorities, and implementation plans. It will conclude with a special preview of the newly refreshed “K12 SIX Essential Cybersecurity Protections,” a dozen actionable cybersecurity controls that all school districts should prioritize for implementation.

Featured speakers include:

  • Doug Levin, National Director, K12 Security Information eXchange (K12 SIX)

  • Mike Howdyshell, Director of Technology, Augusta County Public Schools (VA)

  • Jeremy White, Security Administrator, Augusta County Public Schools (VA)

  • April Mardock, CISSP, Chief Information Security Officer and Operations Manager, Seattle (WA) Public Schools

Thanks to ManagedMethods for sponsoring this webinar.